
We work with a collection of simple forms. These are usually provided by the group leader at meetings. Most of these forms are available on the Recovery International web site, a few of the important ones are linked here. These forms are provided in .pdf format and are suitable for printing.

A 6 page tool kit that we provide to all new attendees

Example, Recap, RI Language, Internet Links, and Tools bundle

The official Recovery FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions):

Recovery International Frequently Asked Questions

RI Discovery Quick Facts

A list of guidelines and common practises describing the general character of the meetings:

What to expect at a Recovery meeting.

A general brochure describing Recovery. This 10 page document discusses stress, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, panic attacks, sobriety, tension, mood disorders, sleeplessness, worry, anger, fears, helplessness and hopelessness. It includes a series of letters written by individuals helped by the Recovery methods and an overview of the program.

Recovery Brochure

The Recovery methods focus on a collection of basic concepts that are outlined here:

Basic Recovery Concepts

Part of each meeting is devoted to the presentation of examples. We use the following sheets as a guide and reminder of the example format:

How an Example Should be Constructed

RI Example Worksheet

Recovery provides us with tools. The following worksheet provides a list of tools, and gives references to the books where they are discussed in more detail.

Sampling of Tools and Terms

After each example we summarise the key points; angry temper, fearful temper, muscle control, muscle movement, and sabotage.

The Big Five

A printable one page list of Internet Resources Describing Recovery.

Internet Resources Describing Recovery

More Information

Hamilton Recovery Meetings

Videos Explaining the Recovery Method